1.2 YEAH!!!!!!!


I've been extremely busy so I'm gonna copy the last update into here as well.

2/4/2024 - VERSION 1.1     Fixed fatal "divide by 0" error while trying to initialize 2 battles at once. Now, when two enemies try to fight you, it will initialize a battle with both of them as opponents. Also added a much-requested FAST TRAVEL system like in Dark Souls, and fixed the suspicious brownie warp soft-locking the game. (I UPLOADED THE WRONG VERSION 1.1 AT FIRST OOPS. IF YOU STARTED THE GAME AND YOU WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF A DARK AREA, ALONE AND CONFUSED, I FIXED IT NOW)

2/7/2024 - VERSION 1.2     Added new Sans moves, balanced the game more around undodgable attacks, and added some more easter eggs.


DARKSOULS4_1.2.zip 365 MB
Feb 07, 2024



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